Government Documents
DOD response to 2020 NDAA
Interim Briefing to Armed Services Committees on Interim Final Rule to Implement 10 U.S.C. 2733a, as Required by Section 731(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020
Evaluation of Medical Protocols and Deaths of Recruits in the Department of Defense
An assessment of the deaths of recruits at facilities under the jurisdiction of the Secretaries of the military departments, and the effectiveness of the current medical protocols on the training bases .
DoD Policy on Physician Licensure
The Department of Defense (DoD) has required all physicians to have a medical license to practice. However, some States have permitted military physicians to be licensed in special licensure categories that waive certain requirements (such as standard license fees) and include restrictions on the scope of practice.
Medical Quality Assurance (MQA) and Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System
It implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing Department of Defense medical quality assurance and clinical quality management.
Personnel Casualty Report Procedures
Casualty reporting, as required by reference shall be accomplished using the Personnel Casualty Report (PCR), and shall be submitted to Navy Personnel Command, Casualty Assistance Branch as soon as practicable after learning of a casualty,
Trends in Active-Duty Military Deaths Since 2006
Between 2006 and 2021, a total of 18,571 active-duty personnel have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The designation “active duty” refers to all active duty troops, including mobilized Reserve and Guard components.
CACO Student Training Guide (pdf)Download
Enlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States (pdf)Download